Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care Consortium

The Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care Consortium (PC⁴) works to enhance care for children with critical heart diseases by sharing best practices among a network of over 70 hospitals. Their outdated website, however, hindered communication, particularly for mobile users. To address this, PC⁴ partnered with Pragmatica for a full website redesign, aiming to improve user experience and functionality while supporting the consortium's vital mission.


San Diego, CA



The Ask

The Ask

The challenges PC⁴ faced with their existing website were manifold. First and foremost, the site needed a complete redesign to make it more accessible and responsive, particularly for users accessing it via mobile devices. The importance of this was underscored by Dr. David Werho, a key figure in the organization, who highlighted the need for a members-only area. This section of the website would serve as a secure space where approved doctors and healthcare professionals from the consortium's 70-plus member hospitals could share documents, engage in discussions, and update information and policies.

Moreover, PC⁴ wanted to showcase the breadth of its network through an interactive map. This map would allow users to see all participating hospitals and organizations, with functionality that would zoom in on a location when clicked and display essential information like the name and address of the institution.

Another significant request was the integration of a dynamic news feed that would pull the latest information from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Given that PC⁴ is a non-profit organization, the website also needed to include a donation feature, allowing visitors to contribute to the cause. Additionally, to enhance security and content management, PC⁴ required a backend access system with varying permission levels to ensure that different users had appropriate levels of control over the website's content and functionalities.

In summary, PC⁴'s requests were extensive and complex, but all were critical for ensuring that their digital presence aligned with their mission to improve care for pediatric cardiac patients.

The Process

The Process

Understanding the high stakes involved, the Pragmatica team was eager to dive into the project. The process began with a comprehensive Design Discovery phase. This phase involved an in-depth review of PC⁴'s design requirements, including their brand guidelines, user interface (UI) expectations, accessibility standards, and specific needs related to imagery and iconography. This foundational work was essential to ensure that the new website would be functional, visually aligned with PC⁴'s identity, and accessible to all users.

Next, Pragmatica conducted Navigation Testing to validate both the current and proposed website navigation. This step was crucial for ensuring that the new site would be intuitive and meet the needs of its diverse user base. By involving key audiences in this testing, the team could identify potential pain points and address them early in the development process.

The team then moved on to an Analytics Discovery phase, where they reviewed website analytics to gain insights into user behavior and website performance. This analysis helped identify opportunities for improving the user experience, such as optimizing load times, enhancing mobile accessibility, and simplifying navigation.

Based on the findings from these preliminary stages, Pragmatica prepared an Insights Report. This report summarized the discovery phase's key findings, provided refined guidelines for the website's design, and proposed wireframes for the development phase. The PC⁴ team was particularly focused on ensuring that the new website would be easy to manage and update. After evaluating different content management systems (CMS), Pragmatica recommended using either Webflow or WordPress Elementor. Eventually, PC⁴ chose WordPress due to their familiarity with the platform, which would facilitate easier management by their internal team.

The development phase proceeded smoothly, with Pragmatica focusing on delivering a website that met all of PC⁴'s specific requests. The team worked closely with PC⁴ to ensure that every aspect of the website, from the interactive map to the backend access permissions, was tailored to the organization's needs.

The Result

The Result

The website redesign was a resounding success. Pragmatica addressed all of PC⁴'s requests, delivering a modern, responsive, and user-friendly website that significantly enhanced the organization's digital infrastructure. The new members-only area provided a secure and efficient platform for healthcare professionals to collaborate, share documents, and update critical information. The interactive map became a centerpiece of the site, showcasing the consortium's extensive network and providing users with an easy way to find information about participating hospitals.

The integration of the dynamic news feed from the NCBI ensured that the website remained a valuable resource for the latest developments in pediatric cardiac critical care. The donation feature was seamlessly implemented, providing an easy way for visitors to contribute to PC⁴'s mission. Additionally, the backend access system with varying permission levels allowed for efficient and secure management of the website's content.

The success of the project was further evidenced by PC⁴'s decision to continue working with Pragmatica for ongoing website maintenance and support over the next year. This ongoing partnership highlights the trust that PC⁴ has in Pragmatica's ability to deliver high-quality digital solutions that meet the unique needs of organizations in the healthcare sector.

In conclusion, the website redesign not only met but exceeded PC⁴'s expectations, providing the organization with a robust digital platform that supports its mission to improve care for critically ill pediatric patients. Pragmatica's meticulous approach to design and development ensured that every detail was addressed, resulting in a website that truly serves the needs of PC⁴ and its extensive network of healthcare professionals.

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